Hindus worship Gods called as Devi Devatas in several ways. One of the methods is to recite hymns called as Stutis and Stotras. (देवी देवता स्तुति स्तोत्रा) (దేవీ దేవత స్తుతులు స్తోత్రములు)
Indians worship Hindu Gods by chanting Vedic verses and by making various offerings. Every Hindu God is worshiped by the People of India as if He is a supreme Lord. This kind of Belief system is called Kenotheism. However, Hindu Gods are related to each other even though they dwell in different Abodes in the Heavens.
Devi Devata
In Hindu Religion both female and male Gods are worshipped. Female Gods or Goddesses are called as Devis, and Male Gods are termed as Devatas.
Stutis and Stotras
Hymns composed in praise of Gods and Goddesses and recited to invoke and worship Gods are called as Sutis and Stotras.
Elephant headed Ganapati, ( who is son of Mother Goddess, Parvati ) is first God who should be invoked and worshiped first in any prayer or to start any auspicious event as per Hindu rituals. Ganapati lives with His Parents – Siva and Parvati at Kailash, Snowy mountain in Himalayas.
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Mother Goddess, who is severally called as Amma, Amba, Durga, Parvati, Gowry, etc., is symbolic of Cosmic energy of this Universe. Mother Goddess is daughter of Lord of Mountains and hence called Saila Raja Putri. Each and every village, Town, City in India will have Local Deity ( Mother Goddess ). So that every village or hamlet conduct Jatara every year to get blessings of Mother Goddess of that locality.
Lord Parameswar, also called Siva, who is believed to be responsible for Creation, Existence and Destruction of this World is worshiped in the Form of Linga ( Phalus ) through out Indian Sub continent. He dwells in Mount Kailash.
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Lord Subrahmanyeswar or Kumara Swamy or Skanda is son of Lord Siva and responsible for victory of Devas ( Heavenly People ) over Asuras ( Demons ).
Lord Vishnu who is revered by all Gods is Arbiter of Divine disputes. He is believed to be the Centrifugal force of this Universe. Lord Vishnu is credited with taking several incarnations to rescue this Mankind from Evil forces. And He never moves from His abode ‘Vaikuntah’ but His Incarnations on this Earth..
Lord Brahma is believed to be the Creator of this Universe – Material objects and Lively objects including Human Beings. He creates this Universe on behalf of Lord Vishnu. Lord Brahma sits in a Lotus emanating from Naval of Lord Vishnu.
Goddess Saraswati. She is the Goddess of Learning. She is responsible for Writing, Arts, Knowledge that Humans are taught with.
Thanks to ISKCON. He needs no introduction either in India or abroad. Lord Krishna is incarnation of Lord Vishnu in Dwapara Yug. He tried His level best to stop the Legendary War – Kurukshetra but could not succeed. He took sides with Pandava sect of Kuru race and stood by the side of Arjuna. He revealed the Celestial Song, Bhagavat Gita to Sri Arjuna in the midst of Kuru Conflict.
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Ganesha, Vinayaka
sumukhaSchaikadaMtaScha kapilOgajakarNaka:
laMbOdaraScha vikaTO vighnaraajO gaNaadhipa:
dhUmakEturgaNaadhyakSha: phaalachaMdrO gajaanana: vakratuMDa SSUrpakarNOhEraMba: skaMdapUrvaja:
ShODaSaitaani namaaniya: paThEt
SruNu yaadapi
labhatE sarvakaaryEShu siddhiM cha paramaapi
Lord Ganesha also called as Ganapati, Vighneswara, Vinayaka is worshiped by Hindus First on any auspicious occasion or any Prayer or Ritual. He is invoked and worshiped asking Him not to create any obstacles in one’s work ! Here what I have given is a Eulogy containing 16 Kinds of Names that Lord Ganapati is revered in.
Lord Rama. He is One of the Incarnations of Lord Vishnu in Treta Yug. And He is embodiment of Planet ( Star ) Sun ( Ravi ). Lord Rama is worshiped by Lord Hanuman. Hanuman is disciple of Lord Rama and Lord Rama would not be pleased unless we worship Lord Hanuman and vice versa. Lord Krishna is worshiped by many a race in the World. He is embodiment of Planet Moon.
Subrahmanya swamy dhyaanam
ShaDvaktraM SikhivaahanaM trinayanaM hitraaMbaraalaMkRutam !
SaktiM vajramasiM triSUla mabhayaM khETaMdhanuSchakrakam !
paaSaM kukkuTa maMkuSaM cha varadaM dOrbhirdadhaanaM sadaa !
dhyaayEdIpsita siddhidaM SivasutaM vaMdEsuraaraadhitam !!
gaaMgEyaM vahnigarbhaM SaravaNa janitaM j~jaanaSaktiM kumaaraM !
brahmaNyaM skaMdadEvaM guhamamalaguNaM rudratEja ssvarUpaM !!
sEnaanyaM taarakaghnaM gurumachalamatiM kaartikEyaM ShaDaasyaM !
subrahmaNyaM mayUradhvajaratha sahitaM dEvadEvaM namaami !!
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hanumat StutiH
atulita baladhaamaM svarNa Sailaabha dEhaM
danujavanakRuSaanuM j~jaaninaamagragaNyaM
sakalaguNanidhaanaM vaanaraaNaamadhISaM
raghupatipriyabhaktaM vaatajaataM namaami
gOShpadIkRutavaaraaSiM maSakIkRuta raakShasaM
raamaayaNa mahaamaalaaratnaM vaMdE anilaatmajaM
aMjanaanaMdaM vIraM jaanakISOkanaaSanam
kapISamakShahaMtaaraM vaMdE laMkaabhayaMkaram
ullaMGyasiMdhOH salilaM salIlaM
yaH SOkavahniM janakaatmajaayaaH
aadaaya tEnaiva dadaaha laMkaaM
namaami taM praaMj~jaliraaMj~jnEyaM
manOjavaM maarutatulyavEgaM
jitEndriyaM buddhimataaM variShTham
vaataatmajaM vaanarayUthamukhyaM
SrIraamadUtaM SaraNaM prapadyE
SrIraamadUtaM Sirasaa namaami
bhaavayaami pavamaananandanam
yatra yatra raghunaathakIrtanaM
tatra tatra kRutamastakaa~jjalim
maarutiM namata raakShasaantakam
SrIraama SrI hanumatE nama:
buddhir balaM yaSOdhairyaM
nirbhayatvamarOgata ajaaDyaM
vaakpaTutvaMcha hanumatasmaraNaat bhavEt