A Tribute to the Ancient World of India

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GIST OF THE BOOK, A Tribute to the Ancient World of India © (The History of Vedic times):This treatise is an endeavor by the author, D V S Janardhan Prasad, to bring historicity to the events and personalities of the Epics, Vedas etc. The author says that Hindu Sanatana Dharma originated in ancient Sapta Sindhu Valley and flourished there for one Maha Yuga (4320 Years). Author claims that he has studied several History books plus Vedic books like Atharvana Veda, Rig Veda, Yajurveda, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Manusmriti, Yajusha smarta, Kalpa sutras, Bhagavadgita, Vishnu Purana, Dharma Sindhu, etc., in all 17 in their original form, that is Sanskrit Language to write this book. And more than 66 web sites have been studied by the author while writing this treatise.

                The book comprises of 49 chapters in 300 pages and the subject matter is rendered with 22 maps, 58 pictures; and about 240 Sanskrit slokas are given with their meanings in English.

                Salient features of the Book are,

Present day ancient Sapta Sindhu Valley fame Harappa town is identified as the erstwhile Ayodhya by the author. And the present day Ravi River is identified as erstwhile R. Sarayu.

2. Author identifies present day Sindhu River as the legendary Saraswati River. And Sutlez as erstwhile R. Yamuna, Ghaggar Hakkar as Ganga/Drushadvati of the ancient world of India. (Presently historians recognize Ghaggar as R. Saraswati of the yore).

a tribute to the ancient world of india

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3. Author argues that concept of Yugas (epochs in Indian mythology) has some hidden message and truth in it. He tells us that at macro level time spans given in Yugas and Kalpa fit well into the time taken for evolution of earth from its birth to the present. And at micro level one Maha Yuga denotes the total time span of all epochs of ancient Sapta Sindhu Valley culture and civilization. Author applies some mathematical tricks to prove his point.

4. The figure sitting in Yogic posture in Pasupati Siva tablet is recognized by the author as Brahma Prajapati not otherwise. Similarly, the Great Bath Structure of Mohenzo daro is recognized by the author as Sacred Lotus Pond which should be the abode of Lakshmi devi.

5. Author of this treatise traces the custom of wearing of Uttariyam (upper garment) by Indians to the Sapta Sindhu Valley culture by highlighting the upper garment worn by the “Priest King” statue from SSV.

6. And the author locates legendary Tripuras of the puranic yore in the present day Sapta Sindhu Valley, and identifies Ganweriwala, Harappa and Mohenzo daro as the erstwhile Tripuras and author calls them as ancient Vaijayantam, Aparajitam (Ayodhya), and Lanka / Alakapuri / Meluha respectively. 

7. Author places time of Sudas Wars of Rig Veda at c. 2300 BC ( Noted as Battle of Ten kings by Historians ). Author says that this coincides with the  advent of Parswah people (ancient Persians) into Indian Sub Continent. (Presently historians think that first advent of Parswah people happened in c. 1900 BC.)

 8. Author places episode of Ramayana to c. 2100 BC. And says that Sita Devi was not a human being but a divine Statue carried and worshipped by Rudra Rama. Author identifies both Rama and Ravana as Rudras. Author says that Rama was a benign Rudra engaged in the service of Brahma prajapati and Ravana was malignant Rudra, opposed to Brahma Prajapati.


9. Author says that Kubera first lived in present day Mohenzdo daro. After overthrown by Ravana he took shelter at Gandamadana (Ganderbal of Kashmir) and later shifted to Prang and Pushkalavati at Swat River, thence to present day Kabul. And author proves with the help of diagrams that Vastu Sastra originated in ancient Sapta Sindhu valley.

10. Contribution of Yaksha, Gandharva, Kinnara ( YGK ) peoples to the Ancient Indian Culture and civilization, which is otherwise ignored by all, is highlighted by the author  and  is narrated in a vivid manner. Interestingly author labels Yaksha, Gandharva and Parswah peoples as Goat heads (and of course ancient Egyptians as Snake heads). 

11. The author defines Sanatana Dharma as selfless service of the Ruling class to the ancient society. Brahma was at the head of the helm of affairs in the grand ancient days. The authorsays that Brahma, Rudra, Rama, Siva, Devis, Acharyas were celibates for life. Hence, use of Gotra names by Indians as blood lines of Rishis is a fiction, author claims.  And even though Brahmacharya was held at high esteem by Sanatana Dharma, Gruhastha also was respected and adored by all in the society of the ancient India, author says. Idol worship was there in Ancient Indian culture given the pictures showing Devi idols in trees in Sapta Sindhu Valley. Author finds Devi Statues in Scriptures and calls Sita Devi as a divine statue.

12. Peculiarity and divinity of Sanskrit language and Vedic meters are discussed in separate chapters.

13. Author looks at Ancient Social order in a different perspective. He says that social stratification in India is a concept thrust upon India rather than a social phenomenon inIndia. He claims that present day common people who are labeled as Sudras are not Sudras as per Sanatana Dharma, but should be called as Vaiswanaras.

14. Author says that Lord Buddha was not a rebel against Brahmanic religion but in fact an exponent of   Sanatana Dharma.

The book comprises of 49 chapters in 300 pages and the subject matter is rendered with 22 maps, 58 pictures; and about 240 Sanskrit slokas are given with their meanings in English.

The above material is a gist of the book and so many other aspects of interest are there in the book.  Hence, I request all to read the book by sparing some time for it. 


      Title                                                 Page No.                                                                               



  List of Maps

 List of Pictures and Photos

  List of tables

 . Index

1.Introduction.                                                  1

2. Vedic  Literature.                                        10

3. He is Brahma Prajapathi, not  Pasupathi.       30 

4. PRIEST KING is Brahma    Prajapathi.           36

5. Its Sacred Lotus Pond, not Great   Bath.        42

6. Nandiswar, The Dharma Devata                      47  7. Three Moral Monkeys.                                  52

8. TRIPURAS, the Three Cities (PartI)                56

9. SAPTA SINDHU RIVERS.                              61  10. Punarnavasya  Sanatanam.                        76

11. The Great Deluge and after.                          82  12. The Alakapuri.                                           87

13. KUBERA.                                                  94

14. Vastu Sastra.                                            99

15. Vaijayantam.                                            108

16. Aparajitam.                                                118

17. TRIPURAS (Part II).                                    126

18. CHATUR YUGAS (Part I).                          129

19. Brahmacharya, the practice of continence   137

20. Brahmacharin, the Student.                       142

21. Gruhasthashrama Dharma.                         146

22. Sanskrit  Language.                                  149

23. Meters of Vedic Hymns.                             154

24. Gayatri  Mantra.                                       159

25. Sanatana Dharma.                                     162

26. Brahma  Sanatanam.                                 165

27. Institution of Rudras                                   173

28. DEVI, the Eternal  Mother.                         180

29. The Triambakeswari.                                  185    30. Sapta  Mataram.                                      187

31. Sita Devi.                                                   190  32. The  Vaiswanaras.                                    195

33. Sutas and Magathas.                                 204  34. The Marutas.                                            212

35.. The Dasushe.                                           219   36.. The Sudas Wars.                                    225

37. Shri    Rama.                                            232

38. Lord Shiva.                                                243

39. Shri  Lakshmana.                                      249

40. The   DEVAS.                                            254

41. Varuna, King of the West.                           258  42. INDRA, King of Devas.                                261

43 .Sapta Rishis.                                             264

44. Race and Culture.                                      266

45. Yaksha, Gandharva, Kineera peoples.         268

46. Parswah  Jana.                                         274

47. NAGA LOK.                                              280

48. CHATUR YUGAS (Part II).                          283

49. Evolution of Hindu thought and Religion.      293

50 References:(Bibliography u0026amp; Webliography)    301

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