
Pancha yajnas, Veda Suktas

Chaturvedas Vedas were composed in Sanskrit language. And Vedas are Four in Number and called as Chaturvedas and are the fore runners of Hindu scriptures. They are Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. Most of the Vedic literature is found in the form of Meters which is called as CHANDAs. Vedic hymns … Read more

Vastu Shastra

Sapta Sindhu Rivers map

Vastru shastra Vaastu shastra Vastu means material. And Shastra means science. Vastu is some times written as Vaastu also. Thus Vastu Shastra means material science. Generally term Vastu is used to refer to Earth and hence, Vastu Shastra is science that deals with the human activities on the Earth. And Vastu Shastra is part of Indian Astrological … Read more

Aryabhatta’s Pi, π


π or Pi is a mathematical constant which defines the relation between Circumference and Diameter of a Circle. Sage Aryabhatta postulated π or Pi as follows: chaturadhikam śatamaśṭaguṇam dvāśaśṭistathā sahasrāṇāmAyutadvayaviśkambhasyāsanno vrîttapariṇahaḥ. – Aryabhatta चतुरधिकं शतमष्टगुणं द्वाषष्टिस्थथा सहस्राणां अयुतद्वयविष्कंभस्यासन्नॊ वृत्तपरिणाहाः – आर्यभट्टा That means, “In order to obtain the circumference of a Circle having a diameter … Read more


Pancha yajnas, Veda Suktas

Vedangas are Limbs of Vedas Vedas are not complete unless they are studied with their respective Appendices called as Vedangas. Vedangas are generally termed as Limbs of Vedas.Vedangas help us read, write, chant and understand Veda mantras, that is, vedic hymns (Slokas). Shadangas Vedangas are also called as Shadangas because they are Six in number, … Read more

Atharva veda

Pancha yajnas, Veda Suktas

Atharva veda Atharvana veda Atharva Veda consists of 5987 hymns composed into 73 Suktas. Etymologically there areso many speculations about the origin of word Atharvana Veda. Some delete ‘na’ from word  Atharvana and call it simply as Atharva Veda. Reasons are not known for doing this. But from one angle word Atharva is near to … Read more

Jyotish shastra

Ganesha writing Mahabharata

Jyotish shastra Jyothisham Astrology is called as Jyotish shastra in Sanskrit. It can be rightly called as Hindu Astrology. And architecture and civil engineering are dealt with in Vastu sashtra. Vastu Shastra is one of the organs of Jyotish shastra. Janam Kundli And as per Indian astrology there are nine planets, 12 zodiac signs, and … Read more

Rig veda

Adi Shankaracharya giving ceremons

Rigveda Agni Sukta Agnimile Present day Rig Veda starts with Agni Sukta. And it starts with the chanting of Agnimile.. And this hymn is attributed to Sage Madhuschanda Viswamitra. This sloka Agni sukta is placed in the First Mandala (Chapter) of Rig Veda. We all know that Brahma Prajapati granted Sage Viswamitra the title of … Read more

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